Monday, June 12, 2023



STUMBLING BLOCK – PAUL KELLY                                                                                         1-

#  =  5/0  5/0  4/0  5/3


                                        Am      G              Am                     F      Dm #  Am

                        Stumbling block, stumbling block, stumbling block           I can’t get around it and I


can’t get through it……   I can’t go over it    and I can’t go under it        I’m scared of what

                                                   F  #                    Am       G               Am                     F       Dm #
I might find if I ever get behind it…..    Stumbling block,    Stumbling block, stumbling block


2                        If I wait a while it just might go away….

I suppose I should  get down on my knees and pray…… I’m sure if I could get

                                                                              F              5/0      5/3   Am        G              Am

just one good night’s sleep    it’ll look better in the day…..    Stumbling block,    stumbling block,

                F          Dm   #

stumbling block………. 

*                        Am

3                       Maybe I should pay someone to come


here and remove it…..  Or I could just chip away at it bit by bit…..

Dm                                                                                         F                      Am
I guess I could build me a bomb and blow it up in one big hit….. Stumbling block,

G             Am                      F          Dm    #

stumbling block, stumbling block………. 


4                        Some of my friends say I should call in


the mystics…..  Or find me a philosopher to come here and tell me it don’t exist…..                                                                                           

Dm                                                      F                                                Am

(First there is a mountain, then there) is no mountain, then there is…..

                           G              Am                      F                      Dm                              Am    #
Stumbling block, stumbling block, stumbling block…            .Lord I got a stumbling block

Am udu                           F udu                   Dm udu                             




 5                      If I ever get done with this I’m gonna make a brand new start…..  I gotta get


My thinking straight and put the horse before the cart…..   If I had the balls I’d wrap this thing up in 

                                 F                     Am     G              Am                     F        Dm   #

Plastic and call it art!..... Stumbling block, stumbling block, stumbling block……….





6                        I’m gonna call up every TV station….. And the museum of science, maybe they're


looking for a greatl donation…..  I could sell tickets and take it on tour all around



                                 F                       Am     G              Am                     F       Dm   #

the whole silly nation…..  Stumbling block, stumbling block, stumbling block……..

7                         It’s in your mind, she says, it’s within you…. She likes saying stuff like that, I got a

                                    Dm                                                                                                  F

problem if it’s true…..  If you can’t get rid of what’s inside you it’s bound to destroy you!.....

                 Am     G               Am                     F        Dm                                      Am     
Stumbling block, stumbling, block, stumbling block       Yeah, I got a stumbling block


SLOW:      5/0   5/0    4/0   BENT 5/3   5/0   Am

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