Monday, September 4, 2023

I wanna go home - Oliver Anthony Music


I wanna go home – Oliver Anthony Music                   C7&  032030                                                            0

Em7  6/0  6/2  G



                                          Em7                                                                           G

Well if it weren’t for my old dogs and the good Lord,  They’d have me strung up in the psych ward

                              C7&                                                                        D

Cause every day livin in this new      World It’s just one too     Many days to me    Son

                        Em7                                                                   G          

We’re on the brink of the next world war     And I don’t think     Nobody’s prayin no more.   And  I aint

C7&                                                      D

Saying I know it for sure    I’m just down on my knees.


                                      Em7                      6/2  G        5/2 4/0             C7&                                               D

Beggin Lord take me home.   I wanna go home.     I   don’t know which road to go     Been so long

                                        Em7                                                          G

 just didn’t used to      Wake up  feeling this way    Cussin myself    Every damn day.    There’s

               C7&                                                        D                                                                          Em7     G

Always somekind a bill to pay     People just doin     What the rich man say.  I wanna go home. 


                 Em7                                                              G                                                                     C7&

Four generations farmin the ground    Grandson sells it to a man outta town   Two weeks later the


Trees go down.   Only got   Concrete growin around  beggin 


                         Em7                   6/2    G                          C7&                                                   D

Lord take me home.   I wanna go home.     I don’t know which road to go     Been so long

                                       Em7                                                             G

 just didn’t used to      Wake up  feeling this way    Cussin myself    Every damn day.    People

           C7&                                                                      D                                                               Em7

Have really gone and lost their way    They all just do what the TV say   And I wanna go home….

               G                                       C7&  udd                      D                                        Em7  udd                      G ud


                                  Em7                                                                           G

If it weren’t for my old dogs and the good Lord,  They’d have me strung up in the psych ward.


6/3   6/2    Em



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